Fashion Empress

The Brown Dress Affair

Life is best lived when it comes in form of a surprise. That is my point of view. As much as I like planning my life and hoping my planned best to be my tomorrow, I love life more when tomorrow is just the surprise I needed but didn’t know. Hi everyone, in the words of Wayne Gretzky, “you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

Every outfit communicates something that’s why we have uniforms and dress codes. On my part every outfit is like a role am given to play in this world. If am in a dress I feel and become too lady like. My walk changes, my strides differ from when am in jeans. It happens too with shoes. You will notice this if you take a good look at my different posts (I pose differently depending on how am dressed hehe (comes naturally though).

This brown dress brought out the diva and I just love its design (got it while thrift shopping and regrets don’t count even at zero). I decided to sport it with my strapped heels and because of the side cut outs; I wore my luminous green top inside. I accessorized it with a choker as the last bite of elegance.Fashion Empress Fashion Empress Fashion Empress Fashion Empress Fashion Empress Fashion Empress Fashion Empress Fashion Empress

Good  day all ;-*
